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बुधवार, 23 अक्तूबर 2019

How to install or use Chrome Extension in Android Mobile- hindivigyan

How to Install and Use Chrome Extensions in Android Phone – Today’s post is going to be a very exciting post because this post has not yet come on the Internet, which means that it is being published first, hopefully you will like this post. If you like it then definitely share it.

By seeing the title of the post, you must have understood that today we are going to know that how we can use Chrome Extensions which are meant for Computer or Laptop by installing them in our Android Phone. Of course, if you have not read about it somewhere, then I hope you will like it.
Today you know about Google Chrome Extension, let us tell you how to install and use Chrome Extension on Android phone so that you can also use lots of Amazing Tools in the browser using a smartphone user.
You may have often used Chrome Web Store Themes and Chrome Plugins, Chrome Addons in computers, but now it has become possible that Android users can also install extensions in the browser by downloading extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
There are a lot of Android Browsers on the Internet, some of which support Chrome Extension, I am going to give you complete information on how to install Google Chrome Extension in Android Mobile and how to do it today.

What is Google Chrome Extension

What are Chrome Extensions, what are they used for? If I can tell you simply, you can also call them Tools, Browser Softwares, Plugins and Addons, so what are these Chrome extensions, let’s know, Google Chrome was built for the browser, but now it’s a lot of Supports Internet Browsers, these are browser tools so that you can download and add new features to the browser.
Millions of extensions are available on the Internet, some of which are free and some paid from the Google Web Store? To download Chrome Extension, download it from Google Web Store, just like Android has Google Play Store. Friends Chrome Extensions act as a tool that can be used to do many things, for example you must be using Facebook, in that you often need help for many things like suppose you have a lot of useless on Facebook Logo has been made friend
You want to Unfriend them but you are tired of unfriending them one by one and thinking that if we could unfriend all our friends in one click, then you can use Facebook Toolkit Chrome Extension for this. This is also a Chrome Extension and is for Special Pc Users, but if you do not have Pc then it does not matter because today’s post is how to use Computer’s Chrome Extension in mobile.
A friend of mine has already written a post in Detail about how friends use Facebook Toolkit in mobile, you can read it. So now that you know what Chrome Extensions are and what are its benefits, Hopefully you have understood well, so let us go ahead and know how to install Chrome Extension in Mobile then we will know that in mobile How to use Chrome Extensions

Which Android Browsers support Chrome Extension?

Now the question arises as to who is the Android Browser supporting Chrome Extensions. Android’s Chrome browser has not yet provided this service. But the Play Store has some browsers in which this service is available.
Mozilla Firefox Browser – FireFox is the best browser on Android Mobile, which is good in User-Interface and Speed-Fast. If you have ever used Firefox, then you know that you can install Google Chrome Extension in Android.
Yandex Beta Browser – Yandex is Russia’s most popular Search Engine Web and has also developed a browser for Android users, whose alpha, beta and stable versions you’ll find in the Play Store, also the Google Chrome extension for the Google browser.
Dolphin Browser – Dolphin Browser is the best choice for private or secure browser high private browsing, it has advanced features for ad block, which can block ad, this browser is also Google Chrome Extension Supported.
Now you know what is Google Chrome Extension, and you know the benefits of it. So let me tell you that the browsers mentioned above can support Google extensions. How to install and use Chrome extension in Android mobile?

How to run Chrome Extension on Android Phone?

How to use and install Chrome extension on Android phone: It is very easy to use and install Chrome Web Extension in Android Mobile. You will be able to use it in Chrome very soon.

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